28 October 2010
We managed to get an earlier appointment with a medical oncologist while Dad was still in the hospital on 22 October. Our purpose was to get a perspective on his condition from cancer specialist. Also Geok did not think it would serve any good purpose to have too long a gap before the appointment.
We also wanted to seek palliative inputs to manage his symptoms. We also wanted to ask if counseling was available to him should he needed it.
Geok as well as Beng felt that a visit would to the National Cancer Centre would be cathartic for Dad as he would be seeing other patients both young and old. We had planned a good lunch with him and explained to him what would happen at the clinic.
For the first time in so many days, we were all so relieved to hear Dad burped and expressed satisfaction in a meal. Geok had bought sharksfin soup, his favourite.
The journey in the ambulance from Changi to NCC at SGH was quite uneventful. I accompanied him while Geok and Beng went in his cab. I made sure Dad could sit in the vehicle as he had motion sickness the last time he went to the A & E lying down in the ambulance.
We had a pleasant nurse who accompanied us. She kept the journey light - and complimented Dad on his features - sharp nose etc - also that he looked much younger than his 80.
When we arrived at NCC, Dad was pensive but was observing the people around him - for the first time we saw him taking in the different people at the centre - especially the younger patients etc.
The wait was not long - the oncologist who saw my Dad was Dr Mohd Farid - a pleasant and warm person though he was very busy. He did a quick check on the family background etc then made Dad walk a short distance in the clinic and also examined him.
He told us that he would need to re-examine Dad again in two weeks' time - 11.11.10 to ascertain his vitals to see if he would be ready for the follow up palliative treatment. We were very prepared with our questions for him particularly regarding dealing with Dad's discomfort - his back pain; his bloating; his sleeplessness.
Dr Farid started Dad on morphine to help with his breathlessness as well as his pain. It was a good decision cos the few weeks after that was almost non-symptomatic except the breathlessness.
We started our research on the effects of the treatment etc.
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