Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I am a Buddhist

Friends who know me - often wonder why I became a Buddhist.

We came from a family of traditional ancestor worshipers. When we were young, Mom would bring Geok and I to temples to pray to the various deities. I remember fondly the outing with them to the Amoy Street temple - that is now a heritage building too. Mom would be considered a pious disciple - she would always pray for the good health of Dad and all of us, including our success in our studies and work etc.

We were more Taoist-Buddhist followers (in the traditional sense). Dad was active in the committee of the Geylang United Temple.  It was really a filial duty as his Father has handed him the responsibilities as the latter had also been active.  

My introduction to the practice of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism happened in 1985 while I was in the University. Many things were happening in the family front. Both Dad and Mum were involved in gambling and there was much squabbles over money issues.

I was also at the age when I was asking fundamental questions about life. In the years preceding that I had also explored other faiths.    

I still remember that Geok was the one who started chanting the mantra 'Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo'. She was introduced by Khiam, our second brother. Interestingly, at that time, our eldest sister-in-law, Irene also started practicing on her own. We did not know of this until much later.

I had always been a 'self-believer' - in fact, I told friends in the army and also those from school that I was a non-believer or atheist. I always felt that life was within our own grasp - our destiny was something we had to take charge.

But I was also overwhelmed by the many trials that life was throwing at me. Acne, relationship issues, plans for studies, and many more. Geok told me that I should try and that 'it works'.

I remember the day I chanted the first time. I had just returned from NUS. I felt very tired and overwhelmed. I knelt facing east - and chanted. For the few minutes I did, I felt a calm over myself. I cried tears of relief (of what I was not sure). I felt connected with my inner self.

Thereafter, I started to read up on Buddhism. I also joined the Student Division of then Nichiren Daishonin Buddhist Association in Singapore (now the Singapore Soka Association). We attended meetings at the homes of other members too. We were introduced to the warmth and generosity of Soka members very well-known throughout the world.

What drew me to the practice of Buddhism?

It is the values that the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) - ( promotes - peace, culture and education are central to the activities of our practice.  Our Buddhist practice engages us to take charge of our lives so that inner transformation occurs.  We are constantly working to create value (in human connections) in all our stations in life. 

To me, this practice  is a philosophy. Yes, I chant Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo - and it is a most basic practice of the faith.  I also recite the Lotus Sutra (teachings that embody the absolute Law of Cause & Effect).  A few key precepts in my practice resonates with me and have remained deeply entrenched in my life.    They also guide my life and how I relate to others.  

The first is the teaching of Ten Worlds. These Ten Worlds (or life states) exist in every phenomena.  I will not go into too much detail. Suffice to say, I have witnessed time and again the workings of the Ten Worlds in the people and situations I have encountered.  This link ( of the SGI-UK provides a good reading of the precept. 

In essence, it is that humans can attain Buddha-hood - the embodiment of wisdom, courage and hope. It is the ultimate life state one can achieve.  To be sure, it is not when a halo appears over your head or a supernatural state. 

It is essentially about clarity - of one's weaknesses or causes that contribute to one's woes as well as one's immense potential to overcome them.  The human race has triumphed because individuals let this state prevail for the greater good.  We have very sterling examples of such 'Buddhas' - some even in our midst. 

At the same time, we are also capable of being in a state of hell - a world of immense suffering that is not limited to just the physical kind.  Humans are capable of being really evil. History has produced many of those too.

To be certain, life states fluctuate every moment of our lives.  In fact, there is a teaching of Three Thousands Moments in One Moment (一念三千)- indeed very profound.  To us, a person who is nearing the end of his life or suffering immense physical pain is also capable of achieving Buddha-hood.  Similarly, a person in the state of Buddha-hood could be in a simultaneous state of Hell.   

I have been practicing Buddhism since 1986.  It has transformed my life in many ways - both materially and otherwise.  It has improved our family life immensely.  I find much joy in compassion - I also find inner expanse in detachment - though I also subscribe to the teaching that earthly desires are enlightenment too.  The Law of Cause and Effect is absolute.  Through our practice, we can create the causes not only within our lives but in our universe to be aligned to prayers. 

I have gained much in sharing this great philosophy with people who are willing to listen - not just those in search for a 'compass' in their daily life.  I do not believe in proselytizing - only sharing.  I would be happy that lives of those around me are a little better for having known me.

Other friends who knew me from my earlier career days - lament the loss of the hard-driving and demanding person in me.  This is especially so for those who feel that it is a persona that would be helpful to them.  I feel sad when that happens.  But I am hopeful that when they see me as a fundamentally 'better' person, they will come round to my thinking. 

I have through my practice, overcome many challenges in my life.  I hope to share them in my blog over time.  Keep in touch !

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