The Editor
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The Straits Times
Ms Looi Pek Hong spoke for all Singaporean parents in her letter of 12 August 2011. My siblings and I wonder how our parents dealt with the stresses of sending the 5 of us through our NS and subsequently 'reservist' training. Each of us have our own personal stories that could have been the 'phone call' or 'visit by a soldier' in the wee hours of the night that she alluded to. For this reason, our hearts go out to the family members, especially the parents of our fellow Singaporeans who died in service.
It is therefore quite right and understandable that National Service evoke such strong emotions amongst citizens. NS is not just a duty - for some, unfortunately, it is also a sacrifice of life. It is also for this reason among others that many make all kinds of attempts to avoid NS.
But for those who have served, NS is about our fundamental duty as Singaporeans. It is the place we build bonds of friendships that last a lifetime. It is also the best 'university of life' - where we learn about human nature - at its best and its worst. It is also where we develop discipline - ask any family member of how NS has transformed the men of their lives. Lives are lost in NS for various reasons - equipment failure due to technical faults, human errors, poor health or simply irresponsible acts of fellow soldiers. Each life lost is one too many.
All measures possible must be taken to ensure that training while being realistic do not compromise safety or worst, lives. The onus must be on everyone from commanders to fellow soldiers to regard each life as their own. If everyone takes ownership of their duties diligently, I am sure the unfortunate can be brought to a minimum.
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