Thursday, March 29, 2012

Testimonies of Buddhist Practice - Perspective of a youth


Title: What Goes Into Being a Buddhist
Source: World Tribune 11/25/05 n.3579 p.7 Lauderdale Lakes, Fla.
Author: Leigh
Keywords: [WT051125P07A] [E] [WT] [05] challenge action effort goes being buddhist lauderdale lake

When I first met my friends who practice Nichiren Buddhism, we were at square one trying to establish ourselves as young professionals in the fields of broadcasting, communications and entertainment. We studied Buddhism, participated in SGI-USA activities andchanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, but so much more goes into being a Buddhist.

Being a spiritually-centered 20-something in a high-tech, over-glamorized culture is difficult. And
it’s a challenge to continually apply Nichiren Buddhism to all aspects of life.

One day, a friend explained to me the importance of being a Buddhist not just in name
but also in thought, word and action. She mentioned that the greatest proof of the power
of Nichiren Buddhism already resides within our lives. The way we live, she said, will
inspire others to inquire about our practice without having to tell them about it.

After talking with her, I made sure I didn’t just gloss over study materials, challenging
myself instead to absorb and apply what I read. I began chanting more for others and supporting SGI-USA activities behind the scenes. I developed a deep appreciation for life and found myself complaining less.

I transformed many aspects of my life, but true proof of my growth became apparent at
my job at a local TV news station. TV news is fast-paced, highly stressful and when a story
breaks, you have to be ready. At those heightened moments, coworkers are not too friendly. When pandemonium ensues, while most are scurrying around frantically, I calmly
make sure everything in my department is where it needs to be.

My boss knows I’m Buddhist, but rarely do I speak about it at work. Recently, she said
to me, “Maybe I need to chant, because I’m not at peace like you are.” I smiled and told
her I would bring some information for her. But inside, I was jumping for joy. My behavior proved to be a great example of Nichiren Buddhism.

Later that evening, I had dinner at my friends’ new condominium. As the night went on,
everyone shared stories of how their lives and careers had been progressing. We had all set
out on our own journey as Buddhists, as budding professionals in our chosen field. Hearing
about their victories made me smile as I realized how far we’d come after nearly four years.
Though we still have a long way to go, it touched my heart to know that we have a strong
foundation of faith that will propel us forward in creating dynamic lives. This foundation of
faith will not only benefit us, it will help us influence others in a positive way.

SGI President Ikeda has said: “There is surely no more exhilarating a life than one in
which we write our own unique history of human revolution each day. And the growth and
transformation we achieve in this way can convince people of the greatness of Nichiren
Buddhism more eloquently than anything else” (For Today & Tomorrow, p. 310).
My friends and I are challenging ourselves every day to apply the philosophy and principles of Nichiren Buddhism in our lives. And our seniors in faith exemplify what our lives can be like when we train ourselves to, as Nichiren writes, “Employ the strategy of the Lotus Sutra before any other” (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pp. 1000–01).

The “Voices of Youth” column features articles written by members of the Young Writers
Group, which was established in August. In this column, the YWG members share their
insights into applying Nichiren Buddhism to their daily lives and more

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